The Story of Gordon Rosebrugh Holder (1921-1945)

February is a good time to pause and remember the life of Gordon Rosebrugh Holder – a young St. George man who served his country and was killed in Second World War.
His story is told as part of the McMaster University Alumni Honour Roll Project.  This project has been lead by Charles M. Johnston, Professor Emeritus of History, who was one of the first speakers to address the South Dumfries Historical Society after it was formed.
Gordon was born on January 31st, 1921 and died on February 19th, 1945 – which is partly why February is such an appropriate time to remember him.  His story does not have a happy ending, but Dr. Johnston does a nice job of telling the story of his short life and the context in which it was lived.
For more about the Project, visit the website at: 
For Gordon Rosebrugh Holder’s story, visit:


  1. I was quite pleased to come across this wonderful story. My mother Edna is Gordon's sister. Prof Johnston has done a great job in documenting Gordon's short life, and I personally learned a great deal that I did not know about my uncles school years. Many thanks to Prof Johnston and the South Dumfries Historical Society.
    Dave Malaney
    Michigan, USA

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