St. George Memorial Hall and St. George Old School declared "surplus" and budget for local history slashed


At a meeting of the Corporate Development Committee last night, the councillors present voted to accept staff’s recommendation that the St. George Memorial Hall (home to our Museum) and the St. George Old School “be declared surplus to the needs of the County.”

Staff is further “authorized to work with interested parties to transfer ownership of these properties; and further that any offers of purchase and sale or agreements to transfer ownership be brought to Council for approval.”

The Northfield Hall and Bethel Hall were also declared surplus by the Committee. Other halls and community centres will be dealt with at later meetings.

According to the staff recommendation, “This is the first step towards disposal of these properties which could result in a lowering of ongoing operational costs.”

Also on the Agenda last night, and a surprise to me, was the Historical Grants.

Without any heads-up to the SDHS (or the Brant Historical Society I am told) several grants were cut by over half.

Our grant went down from $3,500 to $1,500,

The Brant Historical Society went from $28,400 to $14,000,

The Brant OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society) went from $3,000 to $1,000,

Salt Springs Church Heritage Society went from $1,000 to $500;

and the Paris Museum went from $32,500 to $27,000.

The total budget was reduced from $68,400 to $44,000 “with the intent of further reductions in future years.”

The Recommendation was passed by the Committee.