Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee


February 6th: Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne after the death of her father, King George VI in 1952, at the age of 25. Her coronation followed on June 2, 1953.

There will be events across Canada to mark this anniversary and the St. George Museum and Archives would like to contribute as well – by collecting up royal stories from the South Dumfries area.

At the last meeting of the Brant Heritage Committee, Mayor Ron Eddy recalled going over to a neighbour’s house to watch the Coronation on television.  This was the first televised Coronation – and there were not many television sets in all of Canada at the time.

If you have royal memories – either of the young princess Elizabeth or of her reign as the Queen – we would be pleased to help record and share them as part of a display and one of our public meetings.

As well, if you have ideas of how we should help commemmorate the Diamond Jubilee, please let us know as well.  Should we serve tea?  Should we have some corgis on hand?

The South Dumfries Historical Society, Box 472, St. George, Ontario N0E 1N0 – or phone us at (519) 448-1053.

Here is a link to the Heritage Canada website for more information on how our country is joining international celebrations of the anniversary:
