Photos from the launch of our Digital Collection


Christine MacArthur, from the County of Brant Public Library, has been kind enough to post photos from the launch event for our Digital Collection on the Library’s Flickr webpage:

Thank you to everyone who attended – and to those who supported the project by donation items and images to be scanned and photographed.

Christine gave everyone in attendance a tour of what the collection can do – including searches that are fuzzy, fuzzier and fuzziest!

All the work that went into cataloguing each image adds greatly to the usefulness of the collection to researchers and students of local history.

As you will see in the photos, our MPP Dave Levac was on hand to bring greetings along with Mayor Eddy on behalf of the County and Karen Richardson, a past curatar of the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead, was on hand to bring greetings from our benefactor, the Trillium Foundation.

You can tour the collection yourself by following the link from the library website or by going to:
