"Addie" will be at the February 27th Birthday Party

In August of 2007, the Cobblestone Festival of One-Act Plays in Paris presented the World Premiere of ADDIE: A PLAY ABOUT ADELAIDE HUNTER HOODLESS.

It was written by and starred Lin Geary in the title role. Her friend Brian Speagle directed and the South Dumfries Historical Society’s own Joann MacLachlan was the “dramaturge.”

It was great to see this towering historic character come to life on the stage – and reveal personal insights into the events that helped shape her life.

A character like Adelaide can get into your head, as they say, and Lin has continued to think about Mrs. Hoodless and rework her play.

She will be on hand during the Birthday celebrations at the Hoodless Homestead to give brief, costumed readings from her play throughout the afternoon. It will not be a formal, staged version of the play, but an opportunity to test out some new material and to perhaps improve some of the older scenes.

Guests can stop and watch for a bit and move along to allow others to stop and watch.

The birthday celebration is always held at the Homestead on Adelaide’s birthday, February 27th. This year it is a Friday. Traditionally, the event involves cake, tea, coffee and guided tours and runs from 1 to 3 pm.

Details of the Birthday party can be found in an earlier post on this blog. Drop in and say hello to Addie herself! (and say hi to Heather the curator at the Homestead as well).

The Bio for Lin in the “ADDIE” programme from 2007 read:

Lin Geary of Paris is a retired high school English teacher excited about writing and performing her first play, “Addie,” for the Cobblestone Festival. She has acted, directed and written critical reviews for theatre in the past, but this is her first-ever effort at script-writing, and first-time performance at this festival.

In an alternate life, Lin enjoys visiting her children and grandchildren in Vancouver and Toronto. In September this year, she has been invited to perform as guest poet reading from her published work on stage at the Moonshine Café in Oakville.

Mystery of the St. George Strawberry Festival

This photo of a handbill for a Strawberry Festival was taken on February 7th, 2009 at the Open House for the new St. George Mill Animal Hospital. During renovations of the old Snowball Mill, this poster was found still glued to one of the support pillars that have been preserved.

The mystery is – when was this Strawberry Festival?

The clues are:

It happened on a “Saturd’y, July 1” (why they couldn’t fit that one “a” in is another mystery….)

It was in support of the “Methodist Sabbath School” – so it was before the Methodist Church merged into the “United Church.”

Ashley Cooper was the Superintendant.

and, Twenty Five cents went a lot further at the time…

Are those enough clues for someone to solve the mystery of the Strawberry Festival handbill?

The second photo gives a better idea of how the support pillars have been saved and add architectural interest to the Veterinary Clinic.

St. George Old Mill Animal Hospital:


41 Main Street South
(2nd Floor)
P.O. Box 31,
St. George, Ontario,
N0E 1N0

Dr. Joanne Scherer
Dr. Vicky Callen

Heather Ibbotson to speak February 18th in Brantford

The Brant Historical Society is pleased to announce that Expositor reporter Heather Ibbotson will be the guest speaker at their February 18th Historical Society meeting. Heather an experienced, award winning newspaper reporter, author and genealogist will be presenting information she has gathered on the subject of Black History in Brant County.

Ms. Ibbotson is well known for her riveting stories of crime and passion which she investigates from Brantford and Brant County’s past. Heather showcases these real crime stories in a monthly feature in the weekend edition of the Brantford Expositor.

February is Black History Month so come and explore Brant’s past with this captivating guest lecturer.

The meeting will be held at the Brant Museum and Archives located at 57 Charlotte Street, Brantford, starting at 7:30 pm.

Refreshments to follow.

Joan Kanigan-Fairen Executive Director
Brant Historical Society 57 Charlotte Street Brantford, ON N3T 2W6



Kids in Museums release their Manifesto

I heard a bit of an interview this morning on CBC Radio (Q with host Jian Ghomeshi) about a group started in the UK called “Kids in Museums.” This is a group that was founded by a journalist when her two year old son was kicked out of a Museum (along with her and two other children) for yelling “Monster!” at an Aztec statue.

As both a father and as someone who advocates to try to get students into museums, a group called “Kids in Museums” is very compelling.

The history of the group and the groundswell of support it has garnered can be found at:


They have recently (February 5th) released a twenty point “Manifesto” and are asking museums and art galleries to consider signing up to endorse these statements.

It reads:

Our Manifesto

WE’RE DELIGHTED WITH THE NEW 2009 KIDS IN MUSEUMS MANIFESTO, compiled entirely from visitors’ comments.The 2009 Kids in Museums Manifesto is a practical and powerful tool to encourage and support museums and galleries around the country to make family visits more enjoyable and engaging.

Our Manifesto has evolved in the years since its launch in 2003, reflecting the ways in which museums have met the challenge and are increasingly giving families fantastic experiences.Here’s the latest version – have a read and see what you think.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions so that we can make sure the Manifesto keeps in touch with what’s going on already and what needs to happen next.

Kids in Museums Manifesto

1 Be welcoming – from the café to the curator. Emphasise the museum is family friendly in publicity and on the website.

2 Be accessible – with lifts, automatic doors, wheelchair-user friendly activities, and a place to store a pushchair. Remember not every kid or adult can do activities on the floor.

3 Give a hand to parents to help their children enjoy the museum. Don’t presume adults have been to a museum before. They may need support, too.

4 Be interactive and hands on – so kids can touch objects and learn to know what they’re allowed to handle, and what they aren’t.

5 Be height aware – display objects, art and signage low enough for a child to see. Footstools could help.

6 Have lots of different things to do – art carts, picture trails, interactive experiences, storytelling, dressing-up – for different ages, so parents don’t have to do all the work.

7 Produce guides and trails aimed at children, but also ones that kids and adults can use together.
8 Provide healthy, good-value food, high chairs and unlimited tap water.

9 Provide great toilets with baby changing facilities, where you can take a pushchair. It’s probably the one place in the museum every family will visit.

10 Teach kids respect – for the objects and other visitors. Help them to learn there are things they shouldn’t touch. Tell them why.

11 Sell items in the shop that aren’t too expensive and not just junk, but things kids will treasure.
12 Have free entry where possible, or have family tickets allowing re-entry. Don’t dictate the size or shape of a family!

13 Don’t make assumptions about what kids do and don’t like. Kids can appreciate fine art as well as finger painting. Consult with kids – not just adults or parents – about what they want.

14 Provide some open space – inside and outside – where kids can run about and let off steam.

15 Provide some quiet space, where kids can reflect and families can sit down together.

16 Don’t say ssssshush! Museums are places for families to chat, have conversations and discuss.

17 Don’t forget teenagers. They’re valuable visitors, bringing fresh ideas. Have a special place for them to gather and store their stuff.

18 Have dedicated family friendly days, when extra activities are laid on and those who want to avoid crowds can choose not to attend.

19 Remember there’s no typical family. Families can span generations, including toddlers, teenagers and grandparents. A visit should be enjoyable for the whole family together – not just the kids.

20 Remember the visit doesn’t end when a family leaves. Many families make a great effort to visit and want the experience to last. Have follow-up activities, including on the website, and invitations to come back.

You can read more about the group and its manifesto at:


(If you would like to hear the interview, visit CBC Radio’s Q website and follow the links to the podcast of past shows: http://www.cbc.ca/q/)

Fighter Pilots of World War II

You will have an opportunity, from your home, to learn more about what it was like to be involved in aerial battles during World War Two, when the local PBS Station, WNED, airs an installment of the HISTORY PROJECT entitled:
Churchill’s Few: Fighter Pilots of WWII
Saturday, February 14th, 2009
at 11:00 pm

HISTORY PROJECTChurchill's Few: Fighter Pilots of WWII

The program description from the WNED website:
“What was it like to see action during the pivotal Battle of Britain in 1940? The men who fought it — veterans from both sides of the war – recall and reflect upon this dramatic turning point. In this moving documentary, they revisit the scenes of their wartime exploits. The film reveals the multiple scars of this brutal conflict – the soldiers’ emotional and physical reminders as well as the losses borne by two nations and numerous families.”
*  *   *  *   *
If the show inspires you to want to learn more, any talk of fighter pilots reminds me of when Wes Allen of St. George spoke to the SDHS one November about the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
(The Warplane Museum arranged for a Harvard to do a fly-past when we unveiled the World War II and Korean War memorial plaque on the St. George Memorial Hall on July 1st, 2006.)
The Warplane Museum is a place that has exhibits and artifacts that will interest both young and old.  It is quite close to St. George and open nearly every day of the year if you want to plan a visit.
Canadian Warplane Heritage
9280 Airport Road
Mount Hope, Ontario
L0R 1W0
The CWH has a very informative website at:  http://www.warplane.com/

For more information, you can contact them by email at: [email protected] or by Phone: (905) 679-4183


Here are some of the visiting details:


OPEN DAILY 9 am to 5 pm (CWHM is open year-round, closed only on Christmas Day and New Years Day).

Admission is: $10.00 Adults, $9.00 Seniors, $9.00 Students (13 – 17), $6.00 Child (6 – 12), children 5 and under free.

Please Note: If you are coming to see a particular aircraft in the collection, it may be one of the flying aircraft. Please call (905) 679-4183 between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm to be sure that ‘your aircraft’ will be here on display. The airshow season is primarily between May and November.

Directions from St. George:  Take Hwy 403 East. Exit Hwy 6 South. Follow directional signs. Look for the CF-104 Starfighter!




Coming up in May, a number of cities and towns across North America will be hosting “Jane’s Walks” in honour of the late Jane Jacobs.
If we can get our act together, there could be one in downtown St. George on the May 2 & 3 weekend….
Jane Jacobs’ ideas continue to influence the way cities and towns are planned out – which is relevant as Brant County considers where it might grow and how.  Her ideas could also help encourage us to find ways to continue to support and develop the things that make St. George special and a great place to live.
If you wanted to get some background on Jane Jacobs, it looks like an excellent opportunity will be a new television special airing on TVO in February:
Urban Goddess: Jane Jacobs Reconsidered
Here is the blurb on the program from the TVO schedule:

When Jane Jacobs died in 2006, Canada lost one of its loudest and most persistent urban voices. What Jacobs advocated is well known: short blocks, mixed-use buildings and diverse neighbourhoods. The livable city is an issue that directly impacts the quality of life of the majority of the world’s population.

Looking at redevelopment disputes in New York and in Toronto that reflect many of the issues Jacobs encountered 50 years ago and at Vancouver, a city frequently put forward as a shining example of Jacobs’ livable city philosophy, this documentary asks, “Is Jane Jacobs’ legacy intact?” and, more to the point, “Is it still valid?”
The show airs:
Wednesday February 18 at 10 pm.,
Sunday, February 22 at 10:35 pm &
Wednesday February 25 at 1:00 am.

If you are curious about what a “Jane’s Walk” is, here is a link to the website hosted by the Centre for City Ecology: 

Model Railroad Shows

I was never really into model trains as a boy. I did have a small set with tracks fixed to a big sheet of plywood – I wonder where that is now?

That being said, I hear now and then about gentlemen (and it is usually gentlemen it seems) who have elaborate train structures set up in their basements or running from room to room in their houses – disappearing through tunnels in the walls…. reappearing through another pass.

Occasionally I will see an article about these train sets in the newspaper. I recall that someone in Ayr has a great one from an Ayr News article.

I haven’t made it out to a model railroad show, however, and I should change that in 2009. I likely won’t get hooked or anything, but it can be fun to see what fires up other people’s engines.

(It is also the sort of thing I would love for the St. George Museum to have – although now is not a good time to dream about such things when the museum might be put away into storage soon. We just had a man drop by the Museum last weekend wanting to know about trains that used to run through St. George.)

I asked some friends who are into trains about what might be coming up soon, and here’s what they suggested:

The Copetown Model Railroad Show

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Location: The Copetown & District Community Centre
1950 Governor’s Road (just east of Hwy 52)
Copetown, Ontario L9H 5E3

(this is only about a 15 minute drive from St. George)

From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Admission $5.00
Displays of all Canadian SIG Groups. Sponsored by the Canadian Association of Railway Modellers.
Contact Info: http://www.caorm.org/

Looking into this a bit further, I see that there is a blog out there devoted to letting people know about upcoming Ontario model trains shows. If you want to be kept in the loop, visit: http://trainshows.blogspot.com/

Some other shows coming up that are within reasonable driving distance of St. George & area are:

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dundas Modular Railway Club Flea Market
10 am to 3 pm
St. Paul’s Church, 29 Park St. W., Dundas, Ontario
Admission $3., children under 12 free
Model trains, planes, cars, sailing ships, warships, die cast cars, books & photos, operating HO layout.
For more information http://home.cogeco.ca/~dmrc or 905-575-9326

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thames Valley Modular Railroad Club’s 20th Annual Show And Sale
Beattie Street, Lambeth
North from Highways # 401 and #402. First left past stoplights in Lambeth)
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission: Adults $4.00; Students $2.00; Under Age 12 Free
For more information call Bob Drake 519-269-9750 or email:
[email protected]

Sunday, March 29, 2009 & Sunday, November 1st, 2009
Kitchener Model Train Show
Bingemans (Ballroom), 425 Bingemans Centre Drive.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission $4.00 per person; Children under age 12 admitted for free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information call Ian at 519-426-8875 or email [email protected]

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Woodstock Model Train Show
Our Largest Show ever — Expanded to Two Buildings
Oxford Auditorium and Mutual Building,
Woodstock Fairgrounds,
875 Nellis Street.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission $4.00 per person; Children under age 12 admitted for free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information call Ian at 519-426-8875 or email: [email protected]

Woodstock also has a show scheduled for Sunday, October 18th, 2009.

So there – lots of good opportunites to get to one of these shows – let’s see if I can make it to one.

New Canadian play follows the thrilling adventures of Robert and Phoebe Land


Artword Theatre’s second production in its inaugural season is RASCALS AND NUMSKULLS.
This new original Canadian play follows the thrilling real-life adventures of Robert and Phoebe Land.
Robert Land, a United Empire Loyalist, was a secret agent for the British army in the American Revolution.
Captured and condemned to death, he escaped the hangman and fought in Mohawk leader Joseph Brant’s guerrilla army.
His wife, Phoebe Land fought an equally courageous battle protecting her family in the midst of a terrible civil war.
It’s a story of heroism and endurance by ordinary people caught in a clash of empires.

Presented in comedy-style, the “Rascals and Numskulls” of the play’s title are the American and British leaders of the time.
The play is being performed at The Pearl Company, located in Hamilton, Ontario’s Landsdale neighbourhood, which is named after Robert Land.


February 12-22, 2009 at 7:30pm (Thursdays-Saturdays) and 2:00pm (Sundays)

RASCALS AND NUMSKULLS will be presented by Artword Theatre at The Pearl Company, located at 16 Steven Street (at King William) in Hamilton, Ontario.

Tickets are $10 on Thursdays, and $20 for adults/$15 for students and seniors on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Box Office:  905-548-0341


Artword Theatre, the creative team of director Ronald Weihs and designer Judith Sandiford, has been producing original theatre since 1993. Weihs and Sandiford operated a facility in downtown Toronto, until their theatre was closed to make way for a condo in 2006. After 12 years in downtown Toronto, Artword moved to Hamilton teaming up with Gary Santucci and Barbara Milne at The Pearl Company.


The Pearl Company is an arts and performance facility owned by guitarist and composer Gary Santucci and arts activist Barbara Milne. Renovated in 2006, the facility has devoted two of its three floors to the arts. The Pearl Company has launched a number of arts initiatives, including the well-known Art Bus two Fridays a month, the Opus Mundi Festival, theatre workshops and productions, concerts and events and outdoor festivals.


Does Music Trivia Count as History?

What is a plug for the The St. George Legion’s monthly fish fry on Saturday, February 7th from 4:30 p. m. to 7 p. m. followed by Music Trivia from 7:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. doing on a Historical Society blog? 
Well… music trivia is history arguably – it is stuff you have to try to sift through years of memory to retreive…
It isn’t stuffy history and it is rarely local history, but the competitions are often heroic and “history in the making.”
We should try to design a round of questions sometime with local singers – a young David Pickett, some country music from Carolyn Reed, our Hideaway rock superstar Gary Gray…. 
The Fish Fries have also become part of St. George culture.   Meals are: Adults $7. Seniors $6. Children $4. All are welcome – you don’t need to be a Legion member for this.
Admission is free for the Music Trivia.  It is an adult-only event as there are mature refreshments being served at the bar.
The Fish Fry and Music Trivia run on the first Saturday evening of each month throughout the year.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 605
9 Main Street North, St George
(519) 448-1462

"Who Are the Aboriginal People in Canada?" – 1996 film

An invitation has been extended to join members of the Haldimand Norfolk Cultural Association for a presentation by Carolyn King, member of the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand and Brant, and former Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation.

Ms. King’s presentation focuses on “Who are the Aboriginal People in Canada?”

It includes a presentation of the 1996 film created by Native filmmakers who followed the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples on its journey to over 100 First Nations communities across Canada and heard from more than 3000 First Nations peoples. The film weaves the passionate voices of Indian, Inuit, and Métis people with the history of Canada’s relationship with its First Nations peoples.

Spaces are limited. To register call Ruthven Park at 905 772-0560 or Email: [email protected]

COST: Non Members – $10 per person, includes refreshments.

Friday, February 27, 2009, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ruthven Park National Historic Site , 243 Hwy 54, Cayuga

9:30 AM – Haldimand Norfolk Cultural Association Annual General Meeting

10:00 AM – Presentations by CAROLYN KING on:
“The Relationship between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People:
How did we get to the current situation?”

“No Turning Back” – A 1996 film created by Native filmmakers who followed the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples on its journey to over 100 First Nations communities from coast to coast and heard from more than 3000 representatives. The film weaves the passionate and articulate voices of Indian, Inuit, and Métis people with the history of Canada’s relationship with its First Nations peoples.

Indian 101 – Presentation and discussion on: Who are the Aboriginal People in Canada?

Carolyn King is a member and former Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. She is the sole proprietor of JDI Business Services. Since 2006, she is Board Member on the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant.

Make Cheques Payable to: Haldimand Norfolk Cultural Association and mail to:
Ruthven Park, 243 Highway #54, Cayuga ON N0A 1E0