Other Doors Open Events to mark on your calendar


Doors Open Brant is not until September, but you may want to mark your calendars now for some of the lead up events as well:

Everyone is welcome to each activity. Admission is free, or by freewill donation.

Special Speaker“Restoration of our Structural Heritage”
Paul Sapounzi, Architect & Partner
The Ventin Group

Wednesday, September 19, 2009; 7:30 pm
at the Brant Museum & Archives
57 Charlotte Street, Brantford

Special Exhibition
“Landscapes in Architecture”

Pen and ink drawings of future landscapes in the Brantford/Brant area
Brad Emsley,
Artist Opening: Wednesday, September 19, 2009, 7:00 pm
On exhibit until early November
at the Brant Museum & Archives
57 Charlotte Street, Brantford

Walking Tour
Brant Avenue Heritage Conservation District

Presented by the Brantford Heritage Committee
Sunday, September 20, 2009; 2:00 pm
Tour starts at the War Memorial
Look for the yellow ‘Doors Open Brant’ shirts

Media Launch & Orientation
Tuesday, September 22, 2009; 7:00 pm
Central Presbyterian Church, Meeting Hall
97 Wellington Street, Brantford

Photography Contest
Watch for details
Expect an announcement by the start of the school year

More details at http://www.doorsopenbrant.ca/