Model Railroad Shows


I was never really into model trains as a boy. I did have a small set with tracks fixed to a big sheet of plywood – I wonder where that is now?

That being said, I hear now and then about gentlemen (and it is usually gentlemen it seems) who have elaborate train structures set up in their basements or running from room to room in their houses – disappearing through tunnels in the walls…. reappearing through another pass.

Occasionally I will see an article about these train sets in the newspaper. I recall that someone in Ayr has a great one from an Ayr News article.

I haven’t made it out to a model railroad show, however, and I should change that in 2009. I likely won’t get hooked or anything, but it can be fun to see what fires up other people’s engines.

(It is also the sort of thing I would love for the St. George Museum to have – although now is not a good time to dream about such things when the museum might be put away into storage soon. We just had a man drop by the Museum last weekend wanting to know about trains that used to run through St. George.)

I asked some friends who are into trains about what might be coming up soon, and here’s what they suggested:

The Copetown Model Railroad Show

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Location: The Copetown & District Community Centre
1950 Governor’s Road (just east of Hwy 52)
Copetown, Ontario L9H 5E3

(this is only about a 15 minute drive from St. George)

From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Admission $5.00
Displays of all Canadian SIG Groups. Sponsored by the Canadian Association of Railway Modellers.
Contact Info:

Looking into this a bit further, I see that there is a blog out there devoted to letting people know about upcoming Ontario model trains shows. If you want to be kept in the loop, visit:

Some other shows coming up that are within reasonable driving distance of St. George & area are:

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dundas Modular Railway Club Flea Market
10 am to 3 pm
St. Paul’s Church, 29 Park St. W., Dundas, Ontario
Admission $3., children under 12 free
Model trains, planes, cars, sailing ships, warships, die cast cars, books & photos, operating HO layout.
For more information or 905-575-9326

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thames Valley Modular Railroad Club’s 20th Annual Show And Sale
Beattie Street, Lambeth
North from Highways # 401 and #402. First left past stoplights in Lambeth)
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission: Adults $4.00; Students $2.00; Under Age 12 Free
For more information call Bob Drake 519-269-9750 or email:
[email protected]

Sunday, March 29, 2009 & Sunday, November 1st, 2009
Kitchener Model Train Show
Bingemans (Ballroom), 425 Bingemans Centre Drive.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission $4.00 per person; Children under age 12 admitted for free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information call Ian at 519-426-8875 or email [email protected]

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Woodstock Model Train Show
Our Largest Show ever — Expanded to Two Buildings
Oxford Auditorium and Mutual Building,
Woodstock Fairgrounds,
875 Nellis Street.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission $4.00 per person; Children under age 12 admitted for free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information call Ian at 519-426-8875 or email: [email protected]

Woodstock also has a show scheduled for Sunday, October 18th, 2009.

So there – lots of good opportunites to get to one of these shows – let’s see if I can make it to one.