Kevin Sylvester coming to St. George on June 8th


We are pleased to announce another upcoming speaker for the South Dumfries Historical Society.

Author, Artist & CBC Radio personality KEVIN SYLVESTER will be coming to town on Monday, June 8th, to talk about “WEIRD” OLYMPIC STORIES.

The gold medals handed out in this talk are for inept athletes, shameful scandals, freakish weather, cheaters, chokers and much worse!

Kevin Sylvester is the bestselling author of Sports Hall of Weird. He is also a reporter, radio sports host, producer and documentary-maker, as well as an illustrator.

He has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and English (with a minor in Latin) from St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, and is working on a degree in Fine Arts at the Ontario College of Art and Design. He has also worked for over a decade with CBC National Radio Sports.

Kevin lives in Toronto with his family.

His latest book, Gold Medal for Weird, is a nominee for the 2009 Silver Birch Award presented by the Ontario Library Association.

On June 8th, he will be coming to talk to students at St. George-German School in the afternoon and then will give a public talk at the St. George United Church Hall (9 Beverly Street East) at 7:00 PM.


See Kevin’s blog at: