Posted on behalf of our friends at the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead:

Tea Party Social
in Honour of Great Women!
Friday, March 8, 2013
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

March 8th is International Women’s Day!
Come and bring the great women in your life for tea, cake and conversation at Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead.
We will be having guest speakers discuss the accomplishments and history of local women from Brant County.
Hoodless was a local woman who fought tirelessly for reform and the education of women during the latter part of the Victorian era and throughout the Edwardian era in Canada.
She instigated a number of institutions and organizations that continue today to benefit Canadians and women worldwide.
Come out and celebrate the women in your life and history.
There will be tours of the Victorian homestead, face painting, crafts, cupcake decorating, tea and sweets!

Admission is $3.00 for Adults, Women’s Institute members $2.00, Children aged 5 – 12 $1.00, ‘Friends of Addie’ and children under 5 years old are FREE.

The Homestead is located at 359 Blue Lake Road, just outside of Brantford: take 403 to Oak Park Rd exit and follow the blue and white TOD (Tourist Oriented Directional) signs.  Or, take Highway 24 North (towards Cambridge) and turn left at Blue Lake Road.

If you would like to volunteer for this or other events at the museum or have questions please call the Homestead at 519-448-1130, email [email protected] or find us on Facebook.