Hometown Roots will be playing two exciting sets for our Canada Day festivities. Look for them on the Main Stage in front of Sunnyside starting at 3 pm. The band will also be on hand both before and after their set to meet with fans and sign autographs (and sell copies of their CD).

Examples of the band’s songs can be found at http://www.myspace.com/hometownrootsband
– including song clips and videos – as well as photographs.

Hometown Roots is a four member rock group from Rockwood, Ontario (near Guelph), who formed in late 2009.

Driven by emotional vocal harmonies and guitar solos, Hometown Roots succeeds in creating a unique musical style.

Despite their age, Hometown Roots have won multiple competitions throughout southern Ontario, recently their success in the Y108 Rock n’ Roll Challenge has earned them a spot to compete for $30, 000 in prizes.

Their energetic and charismatic presence, combined with deep musical talent, make their performances speak for themselves.

In the summer of 2010 the band was asked to play in Port Dover for the record- breaking Friday the 13th motorcycle rally as more than 200, 000 people filled the streets.

Using the money from these events and competitions, Hometown Roots recorded an 11 track original CD at Escarpment Sound Studio courtesy of Brian Hewson.

Take a listen, or better yet, make a point of witnessing one of their exciting live performances.

“I have booked HTR nearly a dozen times and their crowds are growing consistently larger and larger, while their performance is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. As someone who produces more than 80 concerts per year, I’d definitely recommend these young guys for any performance or showcase.” – Rob Rapiti, BLR Entertainment