Fighter Pilots of World War II

You will have an opportunity, from your home, to learn more about what it was like to be involved in aerial battles during World War Two, when the local PBS Station, WNED, airs an installment of the HISTORY PROJECT entitled:
Churchill’s Few: Fighter Pilots of WWII
Saturday, February 14th, 2009
at 11:00 pm

HISTORY PROJECTChurchill's Few: Fighter Pilots of WWII

The program description from the WNED website:

“What was it like to see action during the pivotal Battle of Britain in 1940? The men who fought it — veterans from both sides of the war – recall and reflect upon this dramatic turning point. In this moving documentary, they revisit the scenes of their wartime exploits. The film reveals the multiple scars of this brutal conflict – the soldiers’ emotional and physical reminders as well as the losses borne by two nations and numerous families.”
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If the show inspires you to want to learn more, any talk of fighter pilots reminds me of when Wes Allen of St. George spoke to the SDHS one November about the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
(The Warplane Museum arranged for a Harvard to do a fly-past when we unveiled the World War II and Korean War memorial plaque on the St. George Memorial Hall on July 1st, 2006.)
The Warplane Museum is a place that has exhibits and artifacts that will interest both young and old.  It is quite close to St. George and open nearly every day of the year if you want to plan a visit.
Canadian Warplane Heritage
9280 Airport Road
Mount Hope, Ontario
L0R 1W0
The CWH has a very informative website at:

For more information, you can contact them by email at: [email protected] or by Phone: (905) 679-4183


Here are some of the visiting details:


OPEN DAILY 9 am to 5 pm (CWHM is open year-round, closed only on Christmas Day and New Years Day).

Admission is: $10.00 Adults, $9.00 Seniors, $9.00 Students (13 – 17), $6.00 Child (6 – 12), children 5 and under free.

Please Note: If you are coming to see a particular aircraft in the collection, it may be one of the flying aircraft. Please call (905) 679-4183 between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm to be sure that ‘your aircraft’ will be here on display. The airshow season is primarily between May and November.

Directions from St. George:  Take Hwy 403 East. Exit Hwy 6 South. Follow directional signs. Look for the CF-104 Starfighter!