Dr. Henry (Hank) Hedges


This coming Tuesday, February 17th, Dr. Henry Hedges will be one of four people recognized by the County of Brant for their contributions to local heritage. For some background as to why Dr. Hedges is so deserving, I have been given permission from Ruth Lefler to post the submission she made to the province in support of Hank receiving an Ontario Heritage Trust recognition certificate and achievement pin.

Dr. Henry Hedges

The Heritage Committee of the County of Brant nominates Dr. Henry Hedges in the Natural History category for his leadership in the protection of this heritage. Throughout his life, he has always been keenly aware of our environment and has sought ways to preserve and protect it.

In 2004, three men, one of whom was Dr. Hedges, volunteered to initiate, develop and carry out the plan to plant 10 foot sugar maple trees along the roadsides of the County of Brant. For protection, all trees are planted five feet inside the fence lines. To date, 1 000 trees have been planted by students who volunteered from the Environmental Leadership class at Paris District High School. The project replicates the Government of Ontario’s tree planting of 100 years ago. This significant project emphasizes the importance of trees to our environment.

To increase the numbers of Bob White Quail and Rig Necked Pheasants, Dr. Hedges has raised them on his farm and then has released them into their natural environment.

As a preservationist and educator, Dr. Hedges promotes natural heritage through his many slide presentations. One example is his Southern Ontario Wildflower presentation where he not only shows and explains the environment needed for them to grow but, also points out the problems these plants have with the draining of the wetlands and the clear cutting of the forests.

As a keen environmentalist, Dr. Hedges understands the necessity for conservation and acts upon it through his ideas and actions.

Nearly one year earlier, in February of 2008, Dr. Hedges was awarded by the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the province’s highest recognition for seniors.

The Ontario Senior Achievement Awards recognize seniors over the age of 65 who have made significant contributions to their communities through voluntary or professional activities.

Dr. Hedges was recognized as an “author, avid gardener and leading authority on horticulture.”

We are also pleased to have Dr. Hedges as a member of our Historical Society.