"Addie" will be at the February 27th Birthday Party


In August of 2007, the Cobblestone Festival of One-Act Plays in Paris presented the World Premiere of ADDIE: A PLAY ABOUT ADELAIDE HUNTER HOODLESS.

It was written by and starred Lin Geary in the title role. Her friend Brian Speagle directed and the South Dumfries Historical Society’s own Joann MacLachlan was the “dramaturge.”

It was great to see this towering historic character come to life on the stage – and reveal personal insights into the events that helped shape her life.

A character like Adelaide can get into your head, as they say, and Lin has continued to think about Mrs. Hoodless and rework her play.

She will be on hand during the Birthday celebrations at the Hoodless Homestead to give brief, costumed readings from her play throughout the afternoon. It will not be a formal, staged version of the play, but an opportunity to test out some new material and to perhaps improve some of the older scenes.

Guests can stop and watch for a bit and move along to allow others to stop and watch.

The birthday celebration is always held at the Homestead on Adelaide’s birthday, February 27th. This year it is a Friday. Traditionally, the event involves cake, tea, coffee and guided tours and runs from 1 to 3 pm.

Details of the Birthday party can be found in an earlier post on this blog. Drop in and say hello to Addie herself! (and say hi to Heather the curator at the Homestead as well).

The Bio for Lin in the “ADDIE” programme from 2007 read:

Lin Geary of Paris is a retired high school English teacher excited about writing and performing her first play, “Addie,” for the Cobblestone Festival. She has acted, directed and written critical reviews for theatre in the past, but this is her first-ever effort at script-writing, and first-time performance at this festival.

In an alternate life, Lin enjoys visiting her children and grandchildren in Vancouver and Toronto. In September this year, she has been invited to perform as guest poet reading from her published work on stage at the Moonshine Café in Oakville.